Metal valley


Metal valley to suit Britmet roofing systems


Overview of the Britmet – Metal Valley 

  • Intuitive design – created for use by both beginners and specialists 
  • Straightforward installation – save both time and money 
  • Cover length – 1.15m 
  • Totally dry-fixable – no mortar or cement required 
  • Highly compatible – use alongside a range of different Britmet brands in both 0.9mm and 0.45mm system types 
  • Range of colours available – choose the style that best suits you 

This valley piece has been designed to prioritise versatility, and thus can be used on a range of different Britmet tiling systems, including Pantile 2000, Profile 49, Villatile, Plaintile and Ultratile. It will ensure that the valley areas on your roof are both well protected and look fantastic. They are particularly useful when covering abutments next to segments such as walls. 

Suitable for both 0.9mm and 0.45mm system types, this piece is available in six different colour schemes, each one chosen to match and complement those seen on the main tile ranges this product is compatible with. Choose from a range of styles and finishes and find the best look for your project. 

This valley is highly durable, and will help to protect your roof throughout various weather and temperature conditions. Providing year-round defence against rain and hail, it will also help to prevent the ingress of dirt and mould. 

Additional information

Weight 1.7 kg
Britmet Panel colours

Bramble Brown, Moss Green, Rustic Brown, Rustic terracotta, Tartan Green, Titanium Grey


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Good quality.Good service.The product is firmly packed.Very fast delivery.Very well worth the money.